little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Everything is one. Except the 0 - Dr. Waus Chaos Computer Film

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The film is about the social upheavals and movements in the early days of the Chaos Computer Club and shows the person of their founder Wau Holland and other hackers. Also interesting is the hacker ethics and what representatives of the Chaos Computer Club think about the present. Still to be seen in the ARD-Mediathek.

Alles ist Eins. Außer der 0 - Dr. Waus Chaos Computer Film

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Der Film handelt von den sozialen Umbrüchen und Bewegungen in der Anfangszeit des Chaos Computer Club und zeigt die Person ihres Gründers Wau Holland und andere Hacker. Interessant ist auch die Hacker-Ethik und was Vertreter des Chaos Computer Club über die Gegenwart meinen. Noch zu sehen in der ARD-Mediathek.

Recomendación de película: Curveball - Hacemos la verdade

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
Sátira de los servicios secretos: Una película de Johannes Naber 2021. La historia está basada en hechos reales y merece la pena verla. - ¡Cautivador, absurdo y muy entretenido! Cómo surgió la guerra de Irak.

Recomendação para Filme: Curveball - Fazemos a Verdade

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Sátira dos serviços secretos: Um filme de Johannes Naber 2021. A história baseia-se em acontecimentos reais e vale bem a pena ver. - Cativante, absurdo e altamente divertido! Como surgiu a Guerra do Iraque.

Film Recommendation - We make the truth

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Secret service satire: A film by Johannes Naber 2021. The story is based on true events and is truely worth seeing. - Captivating, absurd and highly entertaining! How the Iraq War came about.