The EU has banned Chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxic pesticide. We have already spoken in favour of a ban (see our preceding messages with ViewRSS.php). The substance is especially harmful to children.
Climate and Environment: Australia and the Amazon Corporation
Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,
Australia´s prime minister is a climate denier. In the 2019 election he mobilized public opinion against tax rises in general and particularly against environment taxes. It should have been a vote against climate change where the deception of a right winger won against his adversary who did fall short in making public opinion. Even as Australia burns, Tony Abbott, Morrison’s conservative predecessor, was still saying the world was “in the grip of a climate cult”; Guardian: read more.
The retail giant Amazon has threatened to fire employees for speaking out on climate change. The climate and environmental strategy of the company has already been in the focus of protest actions by NGOs like Greenpeace and Attac. Returned products are often not saved for new customers but shreddered into waste. Amazon is guilty of funding climate denial; read more in the Guardian.
We have successfully compiled and deployed a coreboot firmware for the Darter Pro 5 notebook from System76 (darp5). The sources were partially fetched via tor and partially via a VPN. Compilation took place on a clean boot stick installation ( We have additionally updated the description on how to flash the BIOS for the darp5 externally. An important paramter for flashrom was missing. That was why it did not work in practice last time (but now it is working good and reliably).
The BIOS is a common attack vector for surveillance compromizing your computer at a level below your operating system. In hard cases it can be uneffective to flash your BIOS by software so that you need to access the BIOS/UEFI chip directly on your mainboard with a clip and a programmer from an external source. The same is necessary if you have flashed a wrong BIOS content by accident. That will happen sooner or later if you are developing a coreboot firmware. Coreboot is an open source alternative for the proprietary BIOS/UEFI of your computer. coreboot is faster, slimmer and more secure than the usual proprietary firmware.
We wish everyone a happy winter solstice (at least those in the North), nice holidays and a happy new year. This message dates to the solstice on December 22nd. Desejamos a todos um feliz solstício de inverno (pelo menos no norte), boas festas e um feliz ano novo. Esta mensagem data do solstício em 22 de dezembro. Wir wünschen allen eine schöne Wintersonnenwende (zumindest im Norden), schöne Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Diese Nachricht datiert auf die Sonnenwende am 22. Dezember. Les deseamos a todos un feliz solsticio de invierno (al menos los del norte), buenas fiestas y un feliz año nuevo. Este mensaje data del solsticio el 22 de diciembre.