little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Stop Trump´s Dirty Power Plan

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
Trump wants to dismantle the Clean Power Plan which is responsible to fight global warming pollution by reducing that pollution by 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Trump´s replacement for the Clean Power Plan is full of gimmicks and giveaways to fossil fuel companies. By now the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is accepting public comments on the issue ...

Unterschreiben Sie gegen illegalen Holzeinschlag im Amazonas

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Umgefähr 2/3 des Holzeinschlages von Ipê Bäumen im Amazonas ist illegal. Die Kriminellen erfinden nichtexistente Baumbestände um Papiere für die Abholzung zu erlangen. Unterschreiben Sie die Petition gegen unrechtmäßigen Holzeinschlag, welcher Gewalt und sogar Tötungen in entfernte Gebiete bringt. Es gibt auch ein Spiel um illegalen Holzeinschlag zu entdecken. Lesen Sie mehr, hier und hier.

Sign against Illegal Logging in the Amazon

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
About 2/3 of the wood harvest of ipê trees in the Amazon is illegal. The criminals invent non-existant tree populations in order to obtain legal papers for their wood harvest. Sign against the illegal felling of trees which brings violence and killings into remote areas. There is also a game on how to identify illegal logging. Read more here and here.

Gerichtsentscheid stoppt die Keystone XL Pipeline

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,

Ein bundesstaatlicher Richter hat gerade die Schnellzulassung der Keystone XL Pipeline durch die Trump Verwaltung für ungültig erklärt. Die Pipeline würde Teersandöl von Kanada in die USA transportieren. Keystone XL bedroht das Land, unser Klima und das Trinkwasser für Farmer, Rancher, für Indigene und andere Gemeinschaften.

Sie können auch gegen die Eastern Shore Pipeline in Maryland protestieren, welche gefracktes Gas transportieren würde.

Court Decision stops Keystone XL

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,

A federal judge just rejected the Trump administration’s attempts to fast-track the environmental review of the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline would transport tar sands oil from Canada to the USA. Keystone XL threatens land, climate, and drinking water supplies for farmers, ranchers, indigenous people, and other communities.

You may also protest against the Eastern Shore Pipeline in Maryland which would transport fracked gas.