little monkey

by Elws. Starnight


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
A judge in Brazil has suspended the use of the agrochemical glyphosate for 30 days until the government would reevaluate its toxicology. Glyphosate is in use for genetically-modified soybean that is planted on a large scale in Brazil. That way the country is not only dependent on glyphosate but also many people suffer from the consequences of its massive use. In the USA a lawsuit against glyphosate by cancer survivors has been admitted while in the EU a lawsuit against the Commission to violate the precautionary principle when re-admitting glyphosate is in preparation.

Costa Rica

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Costa Rica hat beschlossen das weltweit erste Land zu werden, das bis 2021 Einmal-Plastik verbietet. Weiters deckt das Land bereits einen Großteil seiner Stromversorgung aus Erneuerbaren und ist dabei bereits 150 Tage ganz ohne fossile Energieträger ausgekommen. Costa Rica will bis 2021 auch im Verkehr CO2-neutral werden.

Costa Rica

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Costa Rica has decided to become the world's first country to eliminate single-use plastics by 2021. Besides this Costa Rica does already cover most of its electricity needs by renewables. It has powered its electricity grid 150 days without fossile fuels and wants to become carbon neutral also in traffic by 2021.

Stoppt die Fusion von Bayer und Monsanto

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Das US-Justizministerium hat den Zusammenschluß von Bayer und Monsanto noch nicht genehmigt. Das ist die letzte Chance die Fusion zu verhindern. Das resultierende Unternehmen würde ein fast Monopol auf Brokkoli, Karotten und Zwiebel Saaten erlangen und wäre der größte Produzent von Baumwollsaatgut. - und es würde eine chemisch intensive Landwirtschaft zementieren, die Bienen und andere Bestäuber an den Rand des Aussterbens drängt und damit die globale Lebensmittelversorgung bedroht.

Stop the Bayer-Monsanto Merger

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
The US department of justice has not yet approved the merger between Bayer and Monsanto. This is the last chance to stop it. The resulting company would obtain a near monopoly on the broccoli, carrot and onion seed markets and would be the largest cotton seed producer. - and it would cement in place a chemical-intensive agricultural that that threatens the existence of bees and pollinators and thus imperils the global food supply.