little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Zur Lage im Nahen Osten

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: de,

Erst unlängst sind europäische Politiker russischen Schalmeienklängen gefolgt …

… und über Syrien, Lybien und den Irak.

English translation available soon.

HTML5 Video: Convert Your Videos Online for Free.

Category: techdoc,
Source: Web,
Language: en,
Everyone who does not want to worry about installing and using complicated software will be excited about the html5backgroundvideos free online converter. It has never been easier to convert short videoclips into the .ogg, .webm and .mp4 format. Converting videos up to two minutes is free; there is a choice to remove the audio track.

Help the Ayoreo People / Ajude los Ayoreos / Helfen Sie den Ayoreo [en/de/es]

Category: general,
Source: action,
Languages: de, en, es,

You may like to watch a short film about the Ayoreo people., and read a bit more

[en] Paraguay: Ask the company Carlos Casado S.A. to give the land of the Ayoreo back as promised in response to an earlier email action; take action [en/de].

[es] Paraguay: Píde a compañía Carlos Casado S.A. a devolver la tierra del pueblo indígena ayoreo-totobiegosode como era la promisión; a la campaña.

[de] Fordern Sie das Unternehmen Carlos Casado S.A. in Paraguay auf das das Land der Ayoreo wie versprochen zurückzugeben; zur Aktion.

Misuse of Antibiotics in Industrial Livestock Farming: WHO warns against Growing Resistances

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

The WHO warns against a global surge in resistances against antibiotics. We are facing a transition into a 'postantibiotic era' where simple infections or small wounds could become lethal again.

Apart from taking these drugs without sufficient medical control the misuse of antibiotics in industrial livestock farming is a very serious problem because by manure as used for fertilizing the soil large amounts of resistant germs are released into the environment. Resistances can be transferred easily from bacterium to bacterium via so called plasmides even when they are not related in any way. Ranchers and Farmers still give animals antibiotics to for growth purposes.

Sign a petition against the misuse of antibiotics:
EU / Greenpeace (German):

aktuelle Medienberichte: Flug MH17 und der Konflikt in der Ostukraine

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: de,