Call the EU-Commission to take action against the herbicide Glyphosat causing cancer and genetic mutations. Experts from the WHO warn against the dangerous effects of the herbicide. Monsanto has genetically engineered many plants to be resistent against Glyphosat which has already been in use at a large scale for too long now. - Petition at SumOfUs.
The EU has recently abandoned a regulation against endocrine disruptors planned to be set into power in 2014. While many people protest against the planned trade and investment treaty TTIP Bayer AG and BASF can claim victory in successfully lobbying and pressuring EU institutions to keep endocrine disruptive pesticides in the market. So called ECDs disrupt the hormone system even at very low doses (see also: article about plastics). They can cause infertility, cancer or harm the IQ just to enumerate a few potential effects. - article at
Did you know that ICANN is planning to expose all private information of netizens and blog owners through WHOIS data? That would include your home address and private telephone number if you plan to privately maintain a web page or a blog in the internet. Up to now it was possible to protect this data by a WHOIS privacy service. It would be a clear disadvantage for everyone who just wants to express his/her own opinion or just make something available to the public. The new guidlines were proposed by MarkMonitor and other organizations who represent the same industries like SOPA. Commercial players would still have the possibility to obfuscate their WHOIS data f.i. by a letterbox company.
The Death of the Forest Will Be the End of our Live
The indigenous people of Brazil fight against a planned alteration of the constitution abbreviated by PEC 215. Even yet a new act for mining will be voted for or against in the congress.
Both bills should enable the parliament to abolish indigenous dependencies and consequently to expropriate indigenous people from their land. The Brazilian government plans to build more industrial plantations, water power projects and mines. There would be no way any more to acknowledge new dependencies.
There is currently no second place in the world where the destruction of the rain forests happens at a faster pace than in Indonesia. April is deforesting tens of thousands of hectar of rain forest to make place for new acacia plantations used to produce paper and cellulose.
Credit Suisse wants to support April by a credit of 50 Million US Dollar. Ask Credit Suisse not to give the credit unless April oblidges itself to protect our primeval forests and unless it will pay respect to the local population.
Printing with an inner margin has never been easier. Read how to fit multiple pages onto one and finally leave an inner margin for stitching pages printed on both sides together (PDF, LibreOffice).
Lesen Sie wie man für das beidseitige Drucken einen Innenrand zum Heften freiläßt (PDF, LibreOffice). Es können auch mehrere Slides auf ein Blatt gebracht werden.
depends on OSS-tools, only
allows to fit multiple pages onto one
allows for drawing frames (Rahmen)
scales the page nicely to make maximum use of the available space
[de] Abstimmung zu TTIP: Wie stehen Ihre Europa-Abgeordneten zum Freihandelsabkommen? [de/at]
Mitte Mai stimmt das Europäische Parlament über eine Resolution zum TTIP ab. Es ist die erste Meinungsäußerung des Europa-Parlaments zum Freihandelsabkommen und eine wichtige Chance, die Verhandlungen der EU-Kommission mit den USA zu beeinflussen.