little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Take Action for the Los Chimalapas Rainforest, the Mundurukú and the Rights of Indigenous People.

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

Jaguars or cattle? Hands off the Los Chimalapas rainforest

Los Chimalapas, one of Mexico’s last rainforests, is the home of the indigenous Zoque people. They have a long history of defending their forest and its biodiversity against outsiders, but now loggers and cattle ranchers are crowding in while politicians turn a blind eye. Please tell the Mexican government that enough is enough.

Take Action for the Zoque and Los Chimalapas

Brazil wants to fell millions of trees for aluminum – we say NO!

Millions of trees are due to be axed in Amazônia to make way for dams to generate electricity for mines and aluminum smelters. But the indigenous Mundurukú people aren’t taking the destruction of their ancestral land lying down – and neither should we. Please speak out against this misguided project!

Take Action for the Mundurukú

The right of tribal people to hunt for their livelihood

Tribal peoples are prevented from hunting to feed their families in “conservation zones” set up on their ancestral homelands, which they have been dependent on, and managed, for millennia.

In Botswana, Bushmen are accused of “poaching” because they hunt their food. They face arrest and beatings, torture and death, while fee-paying big game hunters are encouraged.

Take Action for the Live of these People

HTML5 Video Scripting: Bugfix for Scene Selection.

Categoria: techdoc,
Origem: Web,
Línguas: en, de,

en: There was a little error when manually selecting a scene from the scene list: the cursor sometimes jumped back to the beginning because InitControls was called (successive calls are now flagged out by a boolean; additionally the end of the scene needs to be compared with less than instead of less or equal in CheckForScene to avoid an overlap of sections.).

de: Ein kleiner Fehler bei der Auswahl von Szenen ist ab nun korrigiert: der Cursor ist manchmal zurückgesprungen wenn man eine Szene manuell von der Liste gewählt hat, weil InitControls dann fälschlicherweise nocheinmal aufgerufen wird (das verhindert jetzt ein Flag beim Eintritt in InitControls; zusätzlich mußte in CheckForScene das KleinerGleich- durch ein KleinerZeichen ersetzt werden um ein Überlappen der den Szenen zugeordneten Zeiträume zu vermeiden.).

Send us Messages Encrypted with GnuPG

Categoria: techdoc,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

From now on a public RSA 4096 key for encryption will be available at our contacts section.

A detailed description on how to use and on how not to use GnuPG has been published in our software section.

Quotations of Jean-Claude Juncker

Categoria: general,
Origem: article,
Língua: en,

„We decide something, float it, wait for some time what happens. If there should be no severe clamor and no rebellion because most of the people do not even understand what we have decided there then we continue - step by step until there is no way back.“ - Juncker in 1999 about deepening the EU.

„When things become serious you simply have to lie.“ - Juncker 2011 according to the news agency dapd about the delicate rescue measures in the Euro crises.

At this occassion we want to remember about the coming introduction of ISDS as part of TTIP and CETA. Read more about it at, see also: message from 2014-12-18: How far can we trust our politicians?

Online RSS Viewer, New Design

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

A new online RSS viewer is now availabel at (since the last days of 2014).

Secondly the design of has been updated by the new and stunning potential of CSS3. A fully IE (Internet Explorer) capable version of our index pages should follow at some time in 2015.

The link list of has been updated (We excuse for any intermediate outage of the navigation menu).