little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Campaign by Survival Int.: Save the Guarani [en/de]

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Línguas: de, en,


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Sehr geehrte Präsidentin,

Ich bin zutiefst darüber besorgt, dass es Ihrer Regierung nicht gelungen ist, die Gebiete des Guarani-Volkes im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso do Sul zu demarkieren. Ohne ihr angestammtes Land können die Guarani nicht überleben, ihre Anführer werden nacheinander getötet, ihre Kinder sterben an Mangelernährung und sie leiden unter einer der höchsten Selbstmordraten der Welt. Ich bitte Sie, sich an die Verfassung Brasiliens zu halten und die Gebiete der Guarani umgehend zu demarkieren, bevor weitere Menschen sterben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Your Excellency,

I am deeply concerned that your government has failed to map out the lands of the Guarani tribe of Mato Grosso do Sul. Without their ancestral land, the Guarani cannot survive. Their leaders are being killed one by one, their children are dying of malnutrition and they suffer one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

Please uphold the constitution and demarcate the Guarani’s lands immediately, before more lives are lost.


Public Eye Lifetime Award 2014 - Our Comments [en/de]

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Línguas: de, en,

Public Eye Lifetime Award 2014

our comment about the polls

unser Kommentar zu den Abstimmungen

Public Eye Lifetime Award 2014 [en]

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

Vote for the worst behaving company. Take part in the poll for the Public Eye Lifetime Award, 2014.

Six companies can be voted: Goldman Sachs, Glencore, Chevron, Walmart, Gazprom and Dow Chemical.

Among our favourites are Chevron for spilling 17 million gallons of crude oil, 64 billion liters of toxic waste and flaring gas in the Amazon rainforest polluting huge areas and having caused many people to die of cancer and having brought some indigenous tribes close to extinction. The company strictly refuses trying to do something to remedy the harm.

Goldman Sachs may be voted for its role in the Euro Crises having first obscured Greece´s public deficit by accounting tricks before the launch of the Euro and then profited a lot from it by betting against Greek government bonds; its active role in the crises has helped to make the rich richer while sending Millions of people into poverty.

confinedrv - small update to v1.7.1

Categoria: programs,
Origem: LinuxSW,
Língua: en,
miniupdate to version 1.7.1.